Cupid, directed by John Dion, is a comedy about a disillusioned Cupid, who wants to quit his job and go home. He is tired of making people fall in love, only to see them fall apart. But before he gets a ticket back, he has to finish one final assignment.
Found, directed by Anthony Bushman, is a drama about an adopted young man, who discovers new information about his biological mother, and begins a search into his past and identity.
Both directors appear in the 'Production Metaphor' blog post, from August 2009. Cupid also appears in the Valentine's update from 2010.
They are showing with a group of six USC thesis films, including Matt MacDonald's GoldenBox, which was shot by the cinematographer for To Rest in Peace, Sean Conaty.
Here is the full list of films:
Children of the Air - Directed by Damian Horan
Found - Directed by Anthony Bushman
The Maiden and the Princess - Directed by Ali Scher
GoldenBox - Directed by Matt MacDonald
Mother's Milk (Sữa Mẹ) - Directed by Andy DeJohn
Cupid - Directed by John Dion
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