Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Update

One of the reasons thesis films take so long to make (at least three, but often four or five semesters) is that everyone involved is also working on multiple other projects. This is a great part of being at USC. Multiple projects feed energy into each other, and make each one better than it would have been. (Though there are, of course, exceptions).

I produced a thesis right before shooting To Rest in Peace, and another right after. Now I'm editing one for my friend John Dion. It's a comedy about a disillusioned Cupid, who wants to leave earth and go home. He's tired of causing people suffering by making them fall in love.

John was the 1st Assistant Director on To Rest in Peace, as described in the 'production metaphor' post. And Cupid is proving to be one of the projects that feeds energy into everything else I do, much like our previous director-editor collaboration, Into the Unknown.

To Rest in Peace is now just under the maximum 16 minutes, and close to picture lock! We'll be getting some final thoughts, and doing some final tweaks over the next week or two, and then locking picture and starting on visual effects and sound design.

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