Thursday, August 4, 2011

Congrats Katie Byron!

Congratulations to our production designer, Katie Byron, for the success of her feature film Like Crazy. It won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, and also won Best Actress for Felicity Jones. The film opens in theaters October 28th.

The Variety review praises Katie's work:
Production designer Katie Byron adeptly adorns Anna's and Jacob's respective apartments down to the finest detail, from half-empty bottles of dish soap in the sink to student-loan letters from Sallie Mae in the mailbox.
There's another great review on Entertainment Weekly.

One of my favourite aspects of screening To Rest in Peace, is the shock people express when they find out we filmed most of it in California. They are immersed in the world of Kuwait, and believe we filmed it there. So much of that movie magic is Katie Byron's work.

After one screening in Kuwait, someone insisted "But the house was filmed here, right?" "No, nothing with actors was filmed in Kuwait. It was just me and the cinematographer here." "But how did you find a house that looks like that in California?" "Production design!"

Congrats Katie! And best wishes for your continued success.

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